This is from Russellville Resolution No. 1790, December 19th, 2019, “A Resolution Addressing City Services for Cherokee Nation Businessess’s Casino Development for their “Site 1” and for Other Purposes.
It’s in the application, which I am pretty sure the Racing Commissioners didn’t get this deep into the document.

Forget about the people in power. This facility is going to have the biggest impact on the city and the people of Russellville. The biggest population center of the county is Russellville. Most of the 911 calls (police, fire, ambulance) are for people in Russellville. Most of the incarcerated people are from Russellville. Away from the casino itself, the biggest impact on infrastructure as it exists now and infrastructure needs of the future because of the new facility will be in Russellville. Sure, some of the traffic may venture out into the county, but most who venture away from the facility will go into town.
Just think beyond the current bozos and think of the people and the future.