by Kelley Goucher
I am absolutely blown away by the responses from the 5 of the 7 Justices of the Peace! I have never seen such HYPOCRISY on a local level in my life. None of them have been willing to take responsibility for their actions what so ever. They have consistently wasted tax payer money and time trying to sabotage a $38.8 million dollar economic development agreement OBVIOUSLY before they even took office. They spoke nothing but lies and campaigned on even more lies promising a local vote. Which is absolutely outside of their Legislative Power, per their very own handbook. They knew this yet STILL ran on these lies and used casino money to do it while blanketing they River Valley with bogus allegations and falsities.
David Ivy is beyond unethical, despite abuse of power, malfeasance and violating public trust he is trying to keep Pope County from benefiting from the EDA to protect his own financial well-being. He owns an RV park and Legends is building one. This is no coincidence. It is how ever UNETHICAL!! As for George, Muncy, Scott and Pearson I have no doubt they have their own personal reasons, they have abused their power and broken public trust as well. They have each stated they DO NOT WANT A CASINO. That is not up to them. Their feelings do not factor into the economic growth and development of the county in which they represent!!! Again unethical and total abuse of Legislative Power!! It plainly states in their own manual that they are to govern within the guidelines of the Constitution and State Law! As I said at the meeting! There are no other options or choices on how they are able to use their power NONE!! Everything they are doing is outside of their elected abilities and a detriment to the citizens of Pope County and they should be REMOVED FROM OFFICE!!!!