2 casino-license rivals claim to be shut out of Pope County
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, August 11, 2019, by Jeannie Roberts
- In a letter dated Saturday to Ben Cross, county judge of Pope County, Warner Gaming CEO Bill Warner said his company was told by Cross that the endorsement would go to the Cherokee Nation Businesses of Catoosa, Okla. The letter was obtained by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
- John Burris, spokesman for the Choctaw Nation Division of Commerce of Durant, Okla., said in a telephone interview with the Democrat-Gazette that Cross called Friday to say that a resolution would be issued to the Cherokee Nation at Tuesday’s special meeting of the Quorum Court.
- (Justice of the Peace) Jackson said he was not privy to any information that Cherokee Nation Businesses had been selected, but said that all five of the proposals would be reviewed at the Tuesday meeting and that a decision will be made then on which company would be awarded the endorsement.
Selected comments from Facebook, where this was originally posted:
- Michael Ford: There is a difference between being shut out and not getting the letter. They all were dealing with the QC on a daily basis. The resort we get will be self explanatory when it all comes out. I’m sure of it.
- Jeremy Cardenas: Honestly, the best thing for everyone is if we all just chilled out and waited for actual news instead of passing around all these articles. Just wait a couple days for the “real” news to go out.
- Michael Watts: Shocking. Not.
Just waiting for the lawsuits to start flying from all directions.