I think (hope) the Racing Commission is ready to get all of this over with. They don’t want any more litigation and now is their opportunity to get out from under all of this and I think they know it.
I think that the Racing Commission was simply overWOW’d by the numbers that Gulfside threw at them… which is why Gulfside threw them at them.
In a July 29, 2020, letter GCH Morowitz wrote, “We have witnessed similar situations where proposed casino projects’ budget and scope are sometimes overstated initially to create a “wow!” factor, in order to secure the gaming license but are subsequently not financially feasible.”
They were WOW’d. Except for Butch Rice. He may have been Wow’d by them, but he may have also had unethical communication with Terry Green outside of the ARC. (It’s okay to interact socially so long as ARC-related business is not discussed.)
They (should) want it DONE.