THEY claim that they “will be immediately and irreparably harmed…”

THEY claim that they "will be immediately and irreparably harmedTHEY are working on another ballot initiative to try to take Pope County out of Amendment 100.

THEY are the same people who have filed multiple lawsuits on the same issue.

I have been researching the Pope County litigation. I know that it is fairly standard legal phrasing, but it really burns me to read the legal documents where THEY claim that they “will be immediately and irreparably harmed, and loss or damage will result…” and other similar phrases.

I happen to feel and believe that the harm, loss, and damage over the last 5 years has been because of:

  • The 4 years of delays because of the Gulfside litigation
  • The attempts by the local group to stop the casino. While they haven’t really had any real impact on delaying this, through their litigation and ballot initiatives, many people see this whole casino issue as a joke.

In my opinion, all that THEY have actually accomplished is to damage the perception that people here and elsewhere have of Pope County and, by association, Russellville.