Weir Road and I40 property

Just think about what else might go in on all of that empty land next to and near the 135 acre Cherokee/Legends property along Hob Nob and Weir Roads.

That includes the long-delayed development on the 70 acres next to the interstate owned by New York real estate developer Joe Roosa.

In a May 2019 Facebook post, The Courier shared, ” Joe Roosa said he was on the development site a couple of weeks ago that he’s owned for 13 years off Interstate 40 and Weir Road.  ‘It is a Class A location,’ Roosa said. ‘You have half a mile visibility. Travel on I-40 is an asset to the community. We’ve been trying to do the right thing all along. Our vision for Russellville hasn’t changed. We love the community, and I think our commitment there should reflect that.'” (Note: the referenced article link returns “403 – Access Forbidden”)